School Tasters

Taster Sessions In Schools

Taster sessions in Karate, Kickboxing, and Self-defence in schools

Master Instructor Wayne Baker World Champion & European Champion and Master Instructor of the South Eastern School of Martial Arts SESMA, has been providing martial art and self-defence taster sessions to local schools for over 15 years. He has had numerous positive feedback from the schools and pupils.

SESMA can provide a taster in many martial arts (Karate, Tae-kwondo, Kickboxing), Summer Safe Defence or our Mantis Self-Defence programme which is recognised by the Anti-Bullying Alliance.

So that there is very little disruption to the school time table, we can run the tasters during your P.E / Games sessions. Some schools prefer (Taverham Junior) the taster sessions to be run over a week. We can fit the class to suit your time table requirements i.e. a full day or half day at your school (Ghosthill Infant). We are very adaptable and willing to discuss your requirements.

The Instructor teaches some of the basic moves of martial arts in a static line formation. These basic moves are then practiced with a partner using focus pads. Depending on age (infant/junior) these may be performed in a game format.

The emphases of the sessions are to have a brief taster of a Martial Art/Sport and to have fun but keep a high level of respect for the students and the instructor.

General format of a session:


The instructor will give a quick talk on martial arts, its use as a sport/hobby/self-defence and a little about themselves i.e. Grade, how many years training and experience.

Line Format
Warm up and Stretch, incorporating why we do this and names of muscles. Teach a Martial Art Stance & Guard. Demonstrate and teach 3-4 individual Martial Art techniques. Combinations using the techniques learnt.

Partner Work (Reception-year 2)

Put the children in to line groups at one end of the hall. With the use of the class teacher/teaching assistant, the children run to the opposite end of the hall. They will then demonstrate the techniques learnt against a focus pad held by the instructor and teacher/teaching assistant.

Partner Work (years 3-6)

Explain how to hold a focus pad safely and that pad-work is about focus and control. Trust elements of partner work, when striking and holding a focus pad. Practice the combinations learnt against a pad.


Depending on length of class time, the instructor will teach 1-2 simple releases from a Lead-Away grab of the wrist. This can be practiced pupil to pupil or with the instructor/teacher to pupil.


The instructor will then recap over the session, pointing out what they have learnt and reiterate that Martial Arts is a sport/hobby/defensive art.

The instructor will provide the teacher with leaflets or stickers for the children offering further free introduction taster classes at the SESMA Studio.

If you would like to discuss further about SESMA running a taster session within your school, then please do not hesitate to contact us either 07739 914 684 or email

Schools that SESMA has attended:

  • Taverham Junior School
  • Taverham High School
  • Drayton Infant & Middle School
  • Horsford Infant & Junior School
  • Nightengale Primary School
  • Kinsale Infant & Junior
  • Firside Junior School
  • Ghosthill Infant School
  • St.Augustines Primary School
  • Norwich Academy
  • St.Louis Catholic Academy
  • Paddocks Primary School


St.Louis Academy Newmarket:

“The taster sessions that Wayne provided the school were both fun and informative. The children thoroughly enjoyed the day and after each session they were inspired to find out more about the types of Martial Arts that are on offer to them. As well as the children being pleased with the day, we have had a number of parents feedback that their child really enjoyed the sessions and wanted to know more about how to get involved. Equally, the teachers were very pleased with the sessions. A number of teachers have commented on how nice it was to see their children trying something new. They also all agreed that Wayne was a fantastic instructor and was able to get every child involved in the session. The demonstrations provided were clear and all the children were able to understand what they needed to do.”
Ryan Mannell Sports Coordinator

Ghosthill Infant School Norwich:

“Master Wayne is very calm in his mannerism and helps all the children to feel an immense sense of achievement. The club supports the children’s social and emotional skills as well as engaging them in fun physical activities where everyone is an equal as control, resilience and stamina are fundamental”.
Donna Garratt Headteacher

St Augustine’s Catholic:

“I booked taster session with Sports Premium funding, for an entire afternoon. This was to give the whole class experience in a sport they might not be able to access otherwise. The children were engaged and fully focused all the way for the whole afternoon and Wayne even touched on the current ideas of self control and mindfulness. A great coach and a great session.”
Mrs Hallowven Y4 class teacher, SENDCo

Taverham 6th Form:

“Wayne has had several students with complex needs and they have been able to access, focus and engage in all of his sessions. The sessions have boosted self esteem and definitely been a confidence booster for the students and I have seen them develop first hand.”
Dale Timbers Head of 6th Enrichment

Kinsale Junior School:

“We are always delighted to have Wayne in our school, he is much respected, has a wonderful manner with the children, is reliable and inspires the children. His contributions are invaluable, helping with children’s confidence and self-esteem, as well as supporting many of our whole school values”.
Ms Carolyn Baxter Former Headteacher