Grading & Assessments Details

SESMA Assessments for Yellow Belts & above

The assessments are to make sure that the students are ready for their grading, as failing a grading can knock confidence and have a large negative effect on a student.

We split the assessment period into 4 separate categories and colours. All the lessons within the category week will be solely on the techniques within that category.

The students will be assessed and if they are at the required standard for that category, they will have a colour band taped on to their belt. This will then tell the student and the instructor that they have passed that category of the assessment.

Students may attend as many lessons as they wish during the assessment period, giving plenty of opportunity to attain their coloured band. If a student is unsuccessful during a category week, there will be a chance to catch up on Week 4. This then gives the student more opportunity to attain their category colour band.

Karate Categories & Colours as follows:
Week 1 (Black) Basics, Punches, Self-Defence
Week 2 (Blue) Kicks, Combinations
Week 3 (Red) Kata (those that do not need Kata will work on other techniques)
Week 4 (no colour) Catch up Week (for those that may not have obtained a band in a category)

Kickboxing Categories & Colours as follows:
Week 1 (Black) Fitness, Punches
Week 2 (Blue) Kicks, Blocks Counters
Week 3 (Red) Padwork Sparring
Week 4 (no colour) Catch up Week

SESMA Grading

For those that have not graded before at a large SESMA grading, don’t worry I’ll try and explain everything for you.

If your child has been presented with an Invite to Grade slip, it will state on the slip the date and time of your child’s grading. It will also mentions the cost of the grading, to wear a full suit (a blue or red t-shirt may be worn underneath) bring sparring pads (if you have none, we have some that your child may borrow and have them in stock which you can purchase via the SESMA ProShop ).

Please pay for your grading via the QR Code on the Grading Invite or on the sesma Newsletter.

If you could arrive about 15mins before this time to book your child in at reception that would be great.

Your child will then warm up and stretch led by one of the instructors, before lining up and being introduced to the grading examiners. We usually have a guest examiner present at our gradings. This is to ensure that we are fair with our marking and that we are teaching to a high standard.
So in effect, I am being examined too……

Depending on number of students grading, I will split the students into groups. We will grade one group at a time, and the remaining groups can chill quietly with their parents till they are called.

Once all the students have performed and been marked, I will ask all the students to sit in lines. Each successful student will then be called up to the front, be presented with their new belt/certificate and then will shake the hands of all the instructors.
If any student that has not been successful, we will not call them up, but will chat to them after about why they were not successful this time. I will then discuss with the parent about a convenient time to regrade.

After the belts have been presented, I will ask the students to line up against the wall for a group photo, which I will post on FaceBook. If you don’t want your child in the photo, then please advise me. Parents are welcome to come down and take photos too.

Your grade is recognised by National Martial Arts Commission NMAC, Black Belts Schools UK & the World Martial Arts Games Commission.

Norwich Karate Dates & Times:
Sunday 30th June & Sunday 15th December

9am -11am Yellow & Orange Belts,
11am-1pm Green & 2nd Green
1pm-3pm Blue & 2nd Blue
3pm-5pm Purple, Brown & 2nd Brown Belts

Norwich Kickboxing Times: 
Saturday 29th June & Saturday 14th Dec

3pm Yellow-2nd Green Junior & Senior
5pm Blue – 2nd Brown Junior & Senior


White £20
Red, Yellow, Orange £30
Green, 2nd Green, Blue £35
2nd Blue, Purple, Brown £40
2nd Brown Black Belt Mock £25

Short Version:
Received Invite- Well Done
Time and date on invite
Turn up 15mins before your grading time
Remember Suit, Belt, Pads, Grading/Licence Book
Warm up & Stretch
Do your Stuff
Receive your belt
Have photo
Go home and be spoilt

Catch Up Grading

The Catch Up Grading dates will be released after the Main Grading day has passed.

The catch up grading is for those that were invited to the main grading but were unable to attend.



Here are a few questions that we have been asked in the past?

Q: How do I pay for the grading?

A: On the grading invite is a QR code that takes you to grading payments.
Choose the correct payment ticket for the coloured belt you/your child is going for. You can pay by cash on the day of the grading.
Card payments will NOT be taken on the day.
Please turn up about 15mins before your grading time.

Q I don’t know my grading time.

A: The grading time is on the invite or you can find it on the Newsletter  or on the Grading Info webpage

Q: Can I buy sparring pads tomorrow?

A: Yes, but could we register everyone for the grading first, and ask you to come back in and buy pads once the grading has started.
     A staff member will take them through to you child. Sparring is at the latter part of the grading.
OR you can purchase them via the SESMA ProShop

Q: What do I wear for the grading?

A: Please wear your full martial arts outfit and belt, a plain t-shirt may be worn underneath. No socks to be worn at a grading unless due to medical issues.

Q: Can I watch the grading?

A: Sorry, only those grading may watch the grading.
We have many students in the past be unsuccessful due to the extra stress and anxiety of parents/family watching.

Q: I/my child has not received an invite.

A: You/your child may not have been quite ready for their next belt, but don’t worry with a little more training the next grading will be a breeze.

Q: I have heard there is a catch up grading, can I grade at that one if I wasn’t ready this time?

A: The catch up grading is for those have an invite and are unable to attend due to illness, holiday or family commitments.
     If you were not ready for this grading, then you will have to wait till the next grading.