Poster Winners
It was so hard to decide the winners.
It appeared that we didn’t have any Year 7 or above, so that we split the Year 3-6 in to 2 categories – Y3/4 and Y5/6.
Winners & Runners Up
Rec, Y1 & Y2
Winner – Kai Runner Up – Riley
Year 3 & 4
Winner – Freya Runner Up – Harry
Year 5 & 6
Winner – Evie Runner Up – Eli
Special Prize to Charlie & Laura.
First come gets choice of egg.
Reception, Y1,Y2 WINNER

Reception, Y1,Y2 Runner Up


Y5 & 6 Runner Up

Y 3 & 4 WINNER


Special Son & Mum

Passed Your NEW Karate Belt????
If you have recently passed your Karate Grading and achieved a new belt, it may mean that you might have changed class times.
Check the colour of your belt below to see with Karate Group you are in.
Then check your Karate Group against the Time Table.
Low Grade Karate
Red, Yellow, Orange
Intermediate Karate
Green, 2nd Green, Blue
Elite Karate
2nd Blue & above
Daniel was awarded his 1st Dan in Taekwondo after needing to retest in December.
Daniel is pure dedication & perseverance.
He has been training with SESMA for over 13 years and though he wasnt ready for gradings along his journey, he worked harder and kept going. So Proud of you Daniel.
Later in the day we had the Kickboxing Black Belt grading.
5 years ago we started our 1st Junior Kickboxing classes and a young Adrian started as a white belt and is now our 1st Junior Kickboxing Black Belt.
Congrats to Peter who was awarded his 1st Dan and to Sensei Gavin who passed his 2nd Dan in Kickboxing.

Well done superstars
Congratulations to all that achieved their new martial arts belt at the weekend.
You were all pretty damn amazingly awesome.
Catch grading for those that were invited but unable to attend.
Saturday 22nd April 2pm Karate 4pm Kickboxing

catch up grading
Catch grading for those that were invited but unable to attend.
Saturday 22nd April 2pm Karate 4pm Kickboxing
UEA Competition Results
Wow what a SESMA Team that competed at the East of England Championships at the weekend.
Though not all our team got medals, they all DID do SESMA proud.
Awesome work all and to our competition coach Sensei Will.
Golds 12 Silver 3 Bronze 4
If you are interested in competitions and being part of the SESMA Teams, then please send an email to

SESMA Competition Team Minus the Kicboxers Ethan & Charlie

Easter Extra Kata Session
Learn your new Karate kata after Sundays grading or improve your exiting katas ready for the catch up grading.
Tuesday 11th £6/student
The Nerf Gun play starts with your battle kit being issued before top secret, very important safety briefing. Then it’s into the zone for fun filled Nerf gun battle action under the watchful eyes of your battlefield commanders!
All safety equipment, scenarios, guns and FUN provided.
Ages 6-12yrs
Booking is live on Eventbrite
Thursday 13th April 10-12noon
£10 per player.
Did you know ?
Did you know you are not restricted to a set training day?
We have had recently a few parents asking if they can come to a different class day due to a commitment.
You may change your training days as and when and if you miss a week or we are closed due to
public holiday, you can pick up an extra class the following week.
The SESMA Studio will be CLOSED Easter weekend Friday 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th April
May Family Day
Come and join us for a family day out on Sunday 7th May 10am
Earlham Park for a walk and then a group picnic with some games.
Dogs welcome, but remember their is a river.

More NERF WARS Dates
Some more Nerf Battle Dates for your diary.
Booking is open too.