January Newsletter 2023

Happy New Year to all of the SESMA Family. 

I hope you all have had a great Christmas and ready classes starting back tomorrow (4th Jan)
for what the year ahead has planned for us.

At SESMA we are planning on have some great activities for all the family to join in and some great seminars for the students.

Keep checking the Newsletters as they will be updated regularly and also the SESMA Members Facebook page.


9 SESMA students have been selected to represent Great Britain and the 13th World Martial Arts Games in Florida America.

Sensei Will, Sensei Chloe, Sensei Rhys and Ben Fordham, Isabel & Noah Swanborough, Nyah Spedding, Jimmy & Charlie Margree have been competing over the last year and have been placed in every qualifying competition and were asked to attend GB squad training for the possibility of being picked to represent Great Britain in America. 

All were awesome (as you would expect from a sesma student and competition coaching from Sensei Will) and selected to go to America.

So proud of them all and their continuous hard work to improve and put their skills to the test on a world arena.

sesma norwich karate students selected for GB in America

If you are interested in competitions and the possibility of being one day representing your country, then please speak to your instructor.

Competition training sessions are held on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th Friday of the month. 6-7pm Kata  7-8pm Sparring
Open to all Karate, Kickboxig & Kungfu students.
Little Dragons are too young.

Master Wayne SESMA Norwich

The Master instructors and Senior Instructors that signed
Master Wayne’s Certificate officially recognising him as a 7th Dan including…

Grand Master Mick Blackwell 9th Dan EKKA
Grand Master Richard Vince 8th Dan BBA
Master Chris Hemstock 6th Dan NMAC
Master Teresa Kendal 6th Dan Kendojo
Master Graham Ward 5th Dan BBA
Master Paul Marshall 5th Dan Kendojo

Master Wayne Awarded 7th Dan

What an amazing surprise Christmas present for Master Wayne, receiving his 7th Dan Black Belt.

What is a 7th Dan?

It is 7 levels above a black belt and MW had to wait a minimum of 7 years from his 6th Dan to be considered for the grade.

How are you awarded a 7th Dan?
After the allotted time, you have to be nominated (Sensei Tom) for consideration to the association that the school is registered too. 
SESMA are association to 4 main martial art groups, Black Belt Academy, NMAC-GB, EKKA and Kendojo.
All of which look at what Master Wayne has accomplished over the last 7 years (actually 8) personally, the club and how he has promoted martial arts as a whole.
MW represented his country, became a World Champion and European Champion, qualified as a Self Defence Instructor professional.
SESMA survived Covid (thank you to all that stayed with us) and rebuilt the club.
Have had students represent GB at 2 world championships.
Has and continues to provide martial arts to local schools, and as a club contributed to numerous charities.
These are only a few of many that SESMA, Instructors and MW has achieved over the years and many of you will have your own personal benefits that martial arts & SESMA has helped you with.

MW coming to a school near you !!

Mater Wayne will be visiting a number of schools in January and February to deliver some great martial art taster sessions.

Starting with Taverham Junior school Monday 9th.

He’s so looking forward to meeting you at your school and for your help with in the classes.

Schools that MW is visiting…

Taverham Junior, Drayton Junior, Nightingale Infant, Horsford Infant & Junior, Queenshill Junior and Cawston.

KATA Friday Class Times

4pm Yellow & Orange Belts
5pm Green & 2nd Green Belts
6pm Blue & 2nd Blue Belts
7pm Purple & Above

KATA Friday 6th January

For Yellow Belts & Above

For students that are on the Advance /Elite packages (2 classes per week) there is the dedicated KATA class that concentrates solely on your grade and kata.

Each class has 2-3 instructors to help you get your kata its best, but you will still need to practice at home too.

We are extremely awesome instructors, but you still need to do some work yourself.

Yellow belts and above will need to perform the new kata for their next belt.

The katas are also available to view on the SESMA Members Portal.

If you have not yet registered to the Portal then please follow link: Members Portal

New Yellow Belt Students

Yellow Belt Karate students will need to learn more for their next belt, more kicks, punches, self defence and blocks.

ALSO a KATA (a set series of moves that form a pattern of martial arts moves). The Yellow Belt Kata is 20 moves long and will need practice at the studio and at home.

When a student reaches Yellow belt, they need to be considering training more than once a week to progress further in their learning, development and progression in martial arts and to reach the level that everyone knows as a sign of commitment, focus, self-discipline and have the ability to protect themselves…..a Black Belt

Those that have just recently been awarded their new Yellow Belt will receive a letter from NEST, so please check your Junk Mail. 

Extra training class for YELLOW Belts –  KATA FRIDAY class on the 1st Friday of each month which is great for learning the new kata.
The classes are split down into 2 belt colours and have 2 instructors teaching, so that we can concentrate on giving the best to our students.

We will also have a KATA WEEK of teaching (3rd week of the month) where all karate classes will concentrate solely on Kata and another aspect like punches or kicks.

This then gives plenty of opportunity for the students to learn and practice the kata. The katas are also available on the SESMA Members Portal.

NEXT KATA FRIDAY…. 6th January 4pm for yellow & orange belts.

Catch Up Grading

The Catch Grading is on Saturday 21st January at the SESMA Studio

Karate 2pm     Kickboxing 4pm

Those that were invited to the main grading and were unable to attend, this is the grading for you.
If you miss this one then we may be able to arrange a private grading at an extra cost.

White to Red Belt Grading

The next White to Red belt grading is on Saturday 21st January at the SESMA Studio

Karate 10am     Kickboxing 12pm

Those that are ready, would have been given an Invitation to the grading and have had a phone call.

More details available here: https://sesma.co.uk/white-to-red-belt-grading-details/

Did you know ?

Did you know you are not restricted to a set training day?

We have had recently a few parents asking if they can come to a different class day due to a commitment.

You may change your training days as and when and if you miss a week, you can pick up
an extra class the following week.


We have in stock some great SESMA merchandise including…

SESMA Polos Child £12 Adult £15 (Blue & Black)

SESMA T-Shirts Child/Adult £10 (Blue & Black)

SESMA Hoodies Child £21.50 Adult £26.50 (Blue & Black)

Karate Hand Pads Red/Blue £15

SESMA Shin & Instep Pads £15

New SESMA kickboxing gloves £30

Boxing gloves are suitable for class training and meet competition and new kickboxing training protective equipment insurance regulations

sesma boxing gloves suitable for class and competition


February Half term NERF WARS

The Nerf Gun play starts with your battle kit being issued before top secret, very important safety briefing. Then it’s into the zone for fun filled Nerf gun battle action under the watchful eyes of your battlefield commanders!

All safety equipment, scenarios, guns and FUN provided.

Ages 6-12yrs

Booking is live on Eventbrite

Tuesday 14th  10am-12noon   £10 per player.

sesma martial arts and self defence norwich

Photos Available

Thank you to those that came to the photo shoot and my award, on 21st December.

Those that had individual photos taken by Lex are available to purchase by following the link.
Further details on how to puchase are explained on the link site.

Thank you to Lex Spedding Photography who can be contacted via his website: Lexphotography.com

Click on picture to save and print

January Fitness

Is you New Year’s Resolution to start getting fit or lose those extra few inches.

Try our 28 days of fitness to kickstart you fitness goal.

28 days forms a habit, so not only will you be getting fitter, but exercising will become part of your day.

One of the main reasons people fail with their New Year’s resolution is COMMITMENT. 

Drink plenty of water and cut down on those chocolates and biscuits that are left over from xmas.

Why not donate your unopened packs to your local Food-Bank?

If you have any medical conditions or injury, seek medical advice before commencing any exercise.

SESMA Family Sunday Walk

Last year we had a monthly family day and we would like to continue these this year.

January seems quite busy for most of you so our first walk will be on Sunday 12th February 10am. Meeting at the SESMA Studio.

Our first one will not be too adventurous with just a gentle Marriotts Way walk.

We are pretty excited as it will be our first walk with our Grandson Milo who will be visiting from Taiwan.  

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