
August Newsletter

Bring A Buddy Week Monday 2nd to Saturday 7th  We love and enjoy martial arts, so why keep it to ourselves? We are having fun, getting fit, learning to defend ourselves, as well as all the other great benefits & life skills martial arts gives us. So we are inviting your friends to a free


Motivational Monday Determination

SESMA Master Instructor Wayne Baker talks about determination of the England team and how we can use the same determination in our own lives and our own goals.

Yin Yang SESMA Martial Arts motivational monday evrrything has its opposite

Motivational Monday Everything has its Opposite

Master Wayne talks about Yin & Yang and that everything has its opposite and one can not exist without the other. In Chinese philosophy  one can not exist with out the other, though they are opposites, they are entwined with each other co-existing. YIN   the black half is the Negative, Moon, Wet, Cold, Passive, Dark,

SESMA Martial arts July newsletter

July Newsletter 2021

July 19th Lifting of Covid Restrictions SESMA Martial Arts Uk July 19th Lifting of Covid Restrictions Its great news that BoJo and the Government are lifting regulations and that we can go back to some form of normality. Though many of the community have been vaccinated, I have had parents contact me to say that their

sesma motivational monday SMARTER goal setting

Motivational Monday Goal Setting

I am joined today by our guest speaker Helena from Active Remedy who will be chatting about Goal Setting and using the SMARTER acronym to help you set and keep your goals. Helena can be contact via her face book page  Active Remedy

SESMA Motivational Monday Stronger

Motivational Monday Stronger

Master Wayne speaks about how we can use the quote “That which does not kill us, makes us stronger” in everyday issues. How we let small annoyances, embarrassments and frustrations sculpt our day mentally and emotionally. Learn to be stronger by not letting these small issues control us mentally and emotionally.