Motivational Monday

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SESMA Martial arts Motivational Monday - Invest in your Family
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday – Invest in your family

“Double down on your relationship. It’s the investment with the highest return.” Sometimes we forget what is more important in our lives and focus too

SESMA Martial arts norwich newmarket Motivational monday
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday – Satisfying Day

Motivational Monday – A Satisfying Day Apologises for the lateness of the MM I’ve been flat out today filming for a women’s self-defence online course,

sesma martial arts norwich newmarket motivational monday - little to a little
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday – Little By Little

Motivational Monday – Little By Little ? ? 1 year (52 posts) of Motivational Monday ? ? The ancient Greek poet Hesiod on small improvements:

SESMA Motivational Monday - Critic or excuser
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday – Critic or Excuser

Motivational Monday – Critic or Excuser Sometimes we are too hard on ourselves and criticise ourselves to an unhelpful degree. Sometimes we are too easy

Motivational Monday - Success Work SESMA MArtial arts norwich karate kickboxing kungfu
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday – Work before Success

Motivational Monday “The only place where success comes before work is in a dictionary” Vidal Sassoon Great quote, so little said but says so much.

Motivation Monday SESMA martial arts norwich One Extra Time
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday – One Extra Time

Motivational Monday – One Extra Time “The difference between good and great is often an extra round of revision”. The person who looks things over

Motivational Monday - What are you doing today SESMA Martial Arts Norwich Newmarket
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday – Inspiration

Motivational Monday – Inspiration “Where I was born and where and how I have lived is unimportant. It is what I have done with where

SESMA MArtial Arts Norwich Motivational Monday - Looking Foolish
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday – Looking Foolish

Motivational Monday – Looking Foolish I can remember back at school not wanting to put my hand up to ask a question, for being afraid

Motivational monday sesma martial arts - Would I be
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday – Would I Be?

Motivational Monday – Would You Be….? My apologises for my absence over the last month, but I am back with your weekly Motivational Monday thoughts

Motivational Monday - Dream Believe Achieve - sesma martial arts norwich
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday – Dream Believe Achieve

Motivational Monday – Dream Believe Achieve Apologies for another late MM but you will understand why shortly. I was completing a Violence Prevention & Management

SESMA Motivational Monday - Get it Checked
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday – Get it Checked

As men we tend to bury our heads on certain subjects, and Prostate Cancer is one of them. We make up stories about doctors, cold

Motivational Monday - Courage to be you
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday – Courage to be YOU

Motivational Monday – Courage to be YOU Last night I went to a Drag show at the Waterfront to watch some of the contestants from

Motivational Monday SESMA Martial Arts - Hiking Boots
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday – Hiking Boots

“Many situations in life are similar to going on a hike: the view changes once you start walking.You don’t need all the answers right now.

Motivational Monday - Loving yourself SESMA MArtial Arts Norwich
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday – Love Yourself

Motivational Monday – Love Yourself Some of you may have woken up to cards and flowers or breakfast in bed, while others may be missing

Motivational Monday SESMA Martial Arts - Heros
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday – Heros

Motivational Monday – Heroes Im not talking about Superman or Batman…though Batman is awesome!! I mean real people. Im sure many of you have had

Motivational Monday SESMA Martial arts - Knowledge
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday – Knowledge

“Instead of buying your children all the things you never had,You should TEACH them all the things you were never taught . Material wears out

Motivational Monday SESMA Martial Arts - Persistence
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday – Persistence

Motivational Monday – Persistence We are near the end of January and some of you may be starting to struggle with your new years resolutions

Motivational Monday Change of perspective
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday – Change of Perspective

MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY – CHANGE OF PERSPECTIVE  “The longer you’re a teacher, the less you remember what it is like to be a student. The longer you’re

Motivational Monday Merry Xmas
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday – Merry Christmas

Motivational Monday – Merry Xmas Thank you to all that have liked and commented on my Motivational Monday this year. A quick make you feel

Motivational Monday sesma pushing the world
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday – Pushing the world

Motivational Monday – Tiny pushes to move the world Read this quote by author and activist Helen Keller on the importance of doing ordinary things

Motivational Monday - Growing SESMA MartialArts Norwich Karate Kickboxing Kungfu
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday – Growing

Motivational Monday – Grow and be alive​ A couple of thoughts today about growing and not in the sense of our physical body, but more

SESMA Martial Arts Norwich Motivational Monday Happiness
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday – Be Happy Tomorrow

Short Term & Long Term Happiness? “We often make choices based on immediate outcomes. What can I do to experience a little joy in the

SESMA Martial Arts Norwich Karate Kickboxing Kungfu Motivational Monday by Master Wayne Baker
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday Is being nice WEAK?

Motivational Monday – Is being nice…weak? I was once told by a friend that if you are a NICE person you are seen as a

SESMA Karate & Kickboxing Norwich Motivational Monday Thank You
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday Thank You

I was always reminded by my mum when as a child, that manners don’t cost anything, and she was so right. But she never said

Motivational Monday sesma martial arts norwich & newmarket, your mind your choice
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday Your Mind

“Your mind is a suggestion engine. Every thought you have is a suggestion, not an order. Sometimes your mind suggests that you are tired, that

Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday Helping Others

I could not think of a more appropriate quote than this one for me today. Today I start 3 weeks of teaching Self-Defence & Anti-Bullying

sesma norwich motivational monday back to school
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday Back to School

Children are back to school and you are excited and a bit nervous.As well as school starting back up, so will their clubs.Don’t rush them

sesma martial arts motivational monday
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday Picking Daisies Barefoot

An 85-year-old woman  when asked, “How would you have lived your life differently if you had a chance?”​“If I had my life to live over

Motivational Monday by sesma martial arts norwich
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday Glass 12 Full

How do you look at the glass? Half Full or Half Empty? I’m an optimist, so I like to look at life as half full,

Motivational Monday Message by Wayne Baker sesma martial arts norwich
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday Friends

Master Wayne talks about how friends can help us with our problems and that it can reduce anxiety and stress talking to our friends.

SESMA Martial Arts Norwich Master Wayne Motivational Monday
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday Rock or Soil

SESMA Martial Arts Instructor Master Wayne talks about whether you attitude to life is Rock or Soil, and how we can with a smile make

Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday Determination

SESMA Master Instructor Wayne Baker talks about determination of the England team and how we can use the same determination in our own lives and

sesma motivational monday SMARTER goal setting
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday Goal Setting

I am joined today by our guest speaker Helena from Active Remedy who will be chatting about Goal Setting and using the SMARTER acronym to

SESMA Motivational Monday Stronger
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday Stronger

Master Wayne speaks about how we can use the quote “That which does not kill us, makes us stronger” in everyday issues. How we let

Motivational Monday
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday Staying on Path

Master Wayne talks about about how to quickly get back on the path of your goals, and not wait till the next day or week.

Motivational Monday Habits Picture
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday Habits

Master Wayne talks about how we can create a good habit in 3 weeks and not 248 days. Level of Commitment  Internal & External Accountability